
Table of Contents Introduction Wyoming’s civics and government education standards focus largely on instilling a sense of patriotism and an understanding of the structure and function of state and local government and generally neglect citizenship education that encourages active participation. There are gaps and terms left undefined in these state standards, which are a compilation […]


Table of Contents Introduction Wisconsin created its current civics standards in 2018 informed by Wisconsin’s Guiding Principles for Teaching and Learning. These guiding principles are relevant understandings of the impact of educational practices and attitudes on student learning outcomes. Accompanied by empirical research briefs, the six identified principles focus on a commitment to meaningful learning […]

West Virginia

Table of Contents Introduction West Virginia’s civics standards were last updated in 2017 and focus on an understanding of government and its relationships with the community. West Virginia does provide additional resources to its educators that outline specific project templates for certain relevant topics. These templates seem to encourage students to interact and engage with […]


Table of Contents Introduction The state of Washington has outlined civic education expectations based on the College, Career, and Civic Life (C3) framework for every grade level from Kindergarten to the final year of high school. Washington’s current standards were adopted in 2019 and demonstrate an intentional focus on civics education centered on the six  […]


Table of Contents Introduction Civics standards in Vermont were last updated in 2017 and were designed to align with the College, Career, and Civic Life (C3) framework. Vermont lays out Graduation Proficiencies for grades 2, 5, 8, and 12 of skills that students should be proficient in at each of those grade levels. The social […]


Table of Contents Introduction Utah’s civics standards were last revised in 2016. Strands of civics standards are embedded into the social social studies and history curricula at the elementary and middle school level and one stand-alone US Government and Civics course in high school. The introduction of the standards for this course lays out the […]


Table of Contents Introduction Michigan’s social studies standards were most recently revised in 2019. Michigan connects the goals of social studies education with “The Responsibilities of Civic Participation” and elaborates on what the expectations of responsible students are in each realm of social studies. Michigan clearly defines responsible citizenship as “requiring active participation in our […]


Table of Contents Introduction The Maryland State Standards and Frameworks in Social Studies were most recently revised in 2020. The revisions are meant to “​​broaden the historical narrative by including marginalized groups and encourage students to learn more about all members of their communities through the inquiry process.” The inquiry process is utilized as pedagogy […]


Table of Contents Introduction Maine’s social studies standards were most recently revised in 2019 and include a strand regarding civics and government. Civics & Government is one of the four disciplines of the Maine Learning Results for Social Studies, which are meant to be taught in an interwoven way so each pillar disciplines informs the […]


Table of Contents Introduction Louisiana updated its academic standards for social studies in 2022. The Louisiana Student Standards for Social Studies evolved from the 2011 set of standards for social studies. In the letter addressing educators, the State Superintendent of Education expresses the goal of the social studies standards as providing students instruction in the […]