
Table of Contents Introduction Kentucky’s most recent academic standards for social studies were adopted in 2019 and include a section describing the progression of civics standards from Kindergarten through high school. The Kentucky Academic Standards for Social Studies are explicitly linked to the overall theme of “educating for civic life in a democracy.” The Kentucky […]


Table of Contents Introduction The Kansas History, Government, and Social Studies Standards were adopted in 2020 and revised in 2021. The History Government Social Studies (HGSS) standards anchor on five principles that relate to important concepts of civics, such as the shaping of societies by individuals and groups, the rights, responsibilities, and choices of individuals, […]


Table of Contents Introduction The K-12 Iowa Core in Social Studies set of standards was created and adopted in 2017. The Iowa Department of Education utilizes the National Council for the Social Studies’ definition of social studies, explicitly linking the goal of social studies with civic education with the affirmation that “the primary purpose of […]


Table of Contents Introduction The Indiana social studies standards were most recently revised in 2020. The revisions of the 2014 standards and the new standards documents are accessible through the Indiana Department of Education website. Notably, Indiana includes a Spanish version of the standards documents for each grade level and high school course. At the […]


Table of Contents Introduction Illinois recently revised its 2017 social science standards to be implemented in the 2022-2023 school year. The revisions are publicly accessible through documents that present the existing Social Science Learning Standards alongside the new revised standards. Though there are also categories for instruction and curriculum shifts, the revisions consist only of […]


Table of Contents Introduction The content standards for social studies in Idaho were updated in 2016 and present goals and objectives for each of the four typical realms of social studies as well as a fifth set of standards for Global Perspectives. The five standard subjects are History, Geography, Economics, Civics and Government, and Global […]


Table of Contents Introduction The Hawaii Core Standards for Social Studies were approved in 2018 and first implemented during the 2019 – 2020 school year. Each grade level has a document dedicated to the standards that will be addressed in Social Studies during that year. The breakdown of standards by grade level still adheres to […]


Table of Contents Introduction The most recent Civics standards from Georgia are embedded within the Social Studies Standards of Excellence, which were adopted in 2016. In Georgia, civics education is integrated within the greater social studies curriculum up until high school, when a semester-long civics class is offered with no other evident focus on civics. […]


Table of Contents Introduction Delaware maintains an accessible web page detailing the state standards for social studies, which were last updated in 2018. The civics strand of standards is structured around four “anchor standards” of civic education: Government, Politics, Citizenship, and Participation. The Delaware K-12 Civic standards are presented in a document that outlines the […]


Table of Contents Introduction The Connecticut Elementary and Secondary Social Studies Frameworks were most recently updated in 2015 and follow the C3 framework for teaching social studies. Each grade level from K-8 corresponds with a specific content theme under the general umbrella of social studies. The civics topics approached in the Connecticut frameworks reflect a […]